Sunday, January 16, 2011

Celluthin (8oz) #1 Topical Cellulite Reducing Cream with 2% Aminophylline

Celluthin (8oz) #1 Topical Cellulite Reducing Cream with 2% Aminophylline

Celluthin effectively delivers clinically proven aminophylline directly to the area most needed for cellulite reduction. Topical fat reduction with the aminophylline containing cream has shown significant reduction in fat and an increase in the firmness of the thighs. Aminophylline works by penetrating deep into the skin where it causes the body fat cells to shrink resulting in up to 2 inches of body fat loss. Celluthin uses a patent-pending delivery system called phospholipids to transport the active ingredients deep into the fat cells. In a few short weeks the targeted areas become noticeably thinner firmer and visibly smoother. The skin s elasticity is improved and the unsighly cellulite appearance begins to disappear. Eliminate Cellulite Dimples and Inches. Reduce Stubborn Body Fat at Application Site. Firm and Tighten Your Thighs Legs and Hips. Restore Natural Skin Resiliency and Elasticity. Clinically Tested and Proven Ingredients.

Celluthin Topical Cellulite Reducing Cream works by effectively delivering active ingredients like aminophyline in the fat cells and releasing fatty acids from these cells to be burned off as energy. Once these active ingredients are in the cells the cells are then resistant to more fatty acids sticking to them. Problem areas and reduction resistant areas have fat cells that accumulate more and more fatty acids making it harder and harder to lose fat in those areas. Celluthin Topical Cellulite Reducing Cream virtually eliminates this problem.

Celluthin Topical Cellulite Reducing Cream Features

  • Reduction of stubborn body fat at application site
  • Reduction in the appearance of cellulite
  • Elimination of subcutaneous water
  • Tightening of the skin
  • Smoothing of the skin